January: Transit and Congress
February: Day After Thanksgiving Study Tour
May: Omnitrans Five-Year Service Plan
June: Metro Red Line Preview, Metrolink Beach Trains
August: San Diego Rail Conference
September: Tale Of Two Bus Stops
October: Muni Study Tour, Glendale Station
December: Response To November PLAC Report, Riverside Study Tour, View From The Back Of The Bus
January: 1997 Holiday Buffet, Pomona Metrolink
February: Guest Editorial, San Pedro Transit Center, BDOF
March: Day After Thanksgiving Study Tour, Mid-Cities Route Restructuring, “Alternative” Buses Pt. 1
April: Westside Bus Restructuring
May: ADA
June: South Bay Bus Restructuring
July: Antelope Valley Study Tour, Citizens Area Transit
August: SCAG Restructuring Plan, Regional Stop Zone
September: San Pedro Study Tour, “Alternative” Buses Pt. 2, Los Angeles County Fair
October: Glendale Beeline, Foothill Transit
November: Forum Report, Santa Clarita, Foothill Expansion
January: Program For 1997
February: Metrolink Santa Clarita Line Saturday Service, RegioSprinter, Day After Thanksgiving Study Tour, In Memoriam: Line 496
March: MTA Talking Bus, ISTEA Reauthorization
April: Guest Report
May: Montebello Study Tour
June: Santa Clarita Study Tour, Metrolink Update
August: Articulated Buses
September: Owl Service Study Tour, More Buses In Los Angeles?, New Bus Routes
November: SFV Bus System?, Guest Editorial
December: Tunnel Tour, Five Years of the Transit Advocate, Guest Impression
January: Day After Thanksgiving Study Tour, In Defense Of Rail
February: Foothill Restructuring, High Tech Highway Opens In Southern California, A Manifesto For Transit Activism
March: Worksheet For Transit Activism, The Human Race, Angels’ Flight Returns To L.A.
April: Survey Says!, S.F. Valley Rail Line
May: Long Beach Transit Restructuring
June: Big Bear Study Tour
July: Harbor Freeway Transitway, Red Line Extension, ValRail Dream Ride
August: Public Transportation and Metro
September: Omnitrans Restructuring
October: So.CA.TA Activity Centers, Southern California Transit Information Page
November: West Los Angeles Bus Statistics, Getting To Know You, Downtown DASH, MTA Day Pass Plan
December: Riverside Transit Agency Meeting, Foothill Fare Increase, Metrolink Holiday Service
January: ISTEA Planning (Part 1), Transit & Congress, Metro Rail News, Metrolink Update
February: New MTA Fares, Transit Use Climbs Again, ISTEA Planning (Part 2)
March: What MTA Should Do Now, Red Line On Wilshire?, MTA Long Range Plan, Metrolink Update
April: Green Line Sneak Peek, Shuttle Shutdown
May: Call For Action, Metro Rail Update, Metrolink Update
June: Transit $ Outlook, OCTA Restructuring, Low Floor In Long Beach
July: APTA Chairperson Speaks, Bikes On Transit
August: HOV Lanes (Part 1), Metro Green Line, San Diego Study Tour, Transit-Conscious Newspapers
September: HOV Lanes (Part 2)
October: Metrolink, Cybertran
November: Yosemite Electric Bus
December: Metrolink Holiday Trains
January: Metro Red Line Update, MTA’s Methanol Buses, Federal Transit Cuts?, I-210 HOV Lane, Responses to “World Without Cars”, Dues & Newsletter Policy
February: Electric Trolleybus Project Killed, Earthquake Transit Update, The Metrolink Miracle, Metrolink/Amtrak Extended Service, Westside Alternative Service, Exposition Line Emergency Service?, APTA Civil Rights Seminar, Valley Rail Funds, Last Train to Pasadena
March: Metro Rail Update, Continuing Metrolink Improvements, Proposition A, Federal Transit Budget, Ridesharing Subsidies
April: MTA Plans Service Reductions/Fare Hikes, OCTA Service Modifications, Metrolink Reaches Orange/Oceanside/Oxnard, L.A. County Counsel Regarding Proposition A, Bryan Allen Motions
May: Editor Opinion, Public Hearings, APTA Commuter Rail (Part I), Metrocard, Metrolink Update
June: CALTEA, Proposed MTA Fare Increase, San Fernando Valley Restructuring Study, APTA Commuter Rail (Part II), Downeylink, Metrolink Update
July: Rapid Transit & Light Rail, VISTA, Pasadena Area Rapid Transit System, MTA Strike Contingency Plan, Metrolink Update
August: New MTA Fares, Santa Monica Tide, Montclair Transcenter, Low Floor Buses Gaining In Popularity, Metrolink
September: Federal Judge Blocks MTA Fare Increase, More Proposition A, Metrolink
October: Propositions 181 & 185, Hollywood Subway (Part I), Bryan Allen Motions, Transit Use Increasing, Rapid Transit Committee
November: MTA Bus Route Restructuring, Valley Rail Line, Rail Construction Corporation Dismantled, Subway Tunnel Adventure, Metrolink Update
December: Bus Route Changes in 1995, Arroyo-Verdugo Transportation Coalition, Proposition 185, What Happened?, Metrolink Update, Metrolink Holiday Service
January: Metrolink to Claremont and Montclair, Metro Red Line Opening Delayed, S.F. Valley Transit, Transit Terms, I-210 HOV Lane Delayed/690 Express Cut Back
February: RTD and LACTC Merge to Form One Agency, Red Line Opens, No Decision on Controversial Valley Line, More Metrolink, Crenshaw Corridor Planning
March: Downtown Connectors, Advocacy From the Sidelines, So Many Transit Projects, MTA’s New Headquarters, Tokens, Metrolink
April: Transit Dictator, Problems In Transit, APTA Applauds Clinton Administration, L.A.’s New CityRide, Foothill Transit Modifies and Expands, Metrolink Commuter Rail Update
May: APTA Offers Coalition-Building Kit, Route 10/60 Corridor, Crenshaw Corridor, Exposition Corridor
June: MTA Logo, Inner City Transit Needs Study, Metrolink Reaches San Bernardino, Should Transit Be Exempt From the Energy Tax?
July: Wilshire Bus Route Changes, MTA Budget Woes, Metrolink Riverside Line, Ventura County Spends Transit Funds On Roads, San Fernando Valley Restructuring Study, MTA Headquarters Update, Beach Bus
August: San Fernando Valley Rail Line Update, Metro Green Line Tour, Use of Clean-Powered Vehicles in Transit, Metrolink Commuter Rail Ridership
September: Pico-Union District, MTA Budget Highlights, Is the Red Line Ready For the Big One?, Santa Clarita Transit, Fare Changes Under Consideration, Ride Metrolink to the Fair
October: Transit Priorities, Effective Meetings, Motion Regarding the Red Line, Zero Emissions Surface Transit, Metrolink Test Run to Antelope Valley
November: Glendale Beeline Expands Service, One Year of Metrolink, AVTA Commuter Buses Add Trips, Inland Empire Connection Reduces Express Service, Letter to the Editor
December: Catch the MTA Shuttles, Cerritos On Wheels, Universal City Red Line Station, What If a Private Car Had Not Been Feasible?, Reply to Letter
December: Metrolink, Metro Red Line Subway to Open, RTD Gets $40M LACTC Grant, Exposition Blue Line EIR, LAX-Palmdale High Speed Rail, The Defeat of Prop. 156